Export Import (EXIM) Expert Panel
Dr. Satchidananda Ash
Former Controller of Exports & Imports, Ministry of Commerce, Govt.of India Dr. Ash had been a key administrator in different govt. & non govt. departments including Vigilance and MoC.
Dr. Ash had been in the faculty for Export Management as well as Personnel Management at the Indian Institute of Business Management, Patna for 4 years. Later, he became the Hony. Director (Research & Consultancy) of the same Institute.
A Doctorate of Philosophy in Labour & Social Affairs from Ranchi University, he had also became an associate member of Indian Institute of Personnel Management for quite a long time.
A recipient of many awards for his outstanding contribution on industrial safety and labour relations, he has earned astounding distinctions for his versatile talents: as a senior research scholar, an academician, an author of many widely acclaimed titles on industiral relations, safety standards and scientific management, apart from being an efficient administrator in his professional career.
An experience of over 6-years in a key position as Controller of Imports & Exports, MoC, Had made him a good expert in the modus operandi of the perusal of exports imports cases in all concerned government departments.
Mr. Krishna Kisor Kar
A veteran in the field of Exim trade with a 32-year track record of excellence at various senior positions in different PSUs and private firms of repute. A Master of Arts in Economics from Calcutta University, Mr. Kar later passed the Clearing Agents’ Examination, the highest level examination in Indian Customs under Regn 9 of Indian Customs Act, 1962. He also obtained FIATA diploma (Switzerland) in Freight Forwarding & Shipping in 1993. He is now a part of the visiting faculty on Sipping at the Institute of Export Management, Calcutta.
The erstwhile Managing Director (now an acting Director) of M/s Adds Confreight Pvt. Ltd., a pioneer freight forwarding and shipping company with agency in Rotterdam, Mr. Kar is the Managing Director of M/s Cargo Freight.
From 1991 to 1993 he worked as Manager, freight forwarding and CFS division in P T Bumi Laut Shipping Corpn, Jakarta, Indonesia, looking after the CFS activities at Jakarta Port. Before this he had been the Cargo Division Head, Balmer Lawries & Co Ltd. for 7 years looking after the customs clearance, shipping & stevedoring in chartered vessel and liner. Also he used to look after the Import clearance of Project Cargo of Super Thermal Power Project of NTPC.
Starting as Assistant Manager, Exports, in Tolaram(India) Ltd. In 1968 other exposures of Mr. Kar entail: Warren Industrial Ltd, Calcutta as Manager (Clearing & Forwarding, Warehousing, Marketing); Mica Trading Corpn of India, Calcutta as Regional Manager, Import/Export; and Westinghouse Saxby Farmer Ltd, Calcutta, as an Export Executive.
Mr. Sudip Gupta
With an over 3-decade’s experience in a PSU oil major as Manager Imports he is fully conversant with almost all practical nuances of the export-import related activities including crucial operations through major sea and air ports.
A Commerce Graduate from Calcutta University Mr. Gupta successfully completed certificate courses on Material Management from Calcutta Management Association, on
Import &Export Documentation from FIEO.
His professional career took off with the Commercial Division of the Indian Oxygen Ltd. where he worked for over 3-decades, the last 10 years of which he looked after the export import functions. He also worked as Manager Imports for a period of over 5-years entrusted with the total responsibility of import/export activities of the IOL.
He had also worked with Duncan Agro Industries Ltd. as Material Manager with special charge of handling imports of all medical equipments.For the last 6 and a half years he has been working as the Commercial Manager, Bhagwati Oxygen Ltd. looking after the management of imported input materials among other commercial aspects.
A representative committee member, including the member of the Customs Grievance and the Customs Advisory Committee of Calcutta Customs as well as with various premier trade and industry bodies eg the CII and BCCI, Mr. Gupta has a specialised knowledge in handling of project imports, technology import, export order execution document negotiation with foreign clients.