Russia Exporter Supplier Directory and List with contact Information.
Russian Exporter |
Notify party |
Importer |
Bill of Lading | Details |
"KRASNOLENINSKY OIL REFINING FACTORY" The address of the Russian company of the sender : 626170TJUMENSKAJA REGION, UVATSKY R - NANOSECOND. UVATUL. OCTOBER, A 60 Code (INN) of the Russian owner of the Contract : 7225004092Declaration number :10505080/110107/0000004 Customs code in which the declaration is represented : 10505080 Date of registration of the declaration Customs applicant : 11.01.2007 Basic customs mode : EXPORT |
Code (INN) of the Russian company of the sender 8610011223 The address of the Russian owner of the contract : 626170TJUMENSKAJA AREA, UVATSKY R - NS.UVATUL.OKTJABRSKAJA, Д.60 Code (INN) of the Russian owner of the contract : 7225004092 |
THE MULTINATIONAL CORPORATION TRADE LIMITED (CH/Z FGUP "KALININGRAD MORSK.RYBN.PORT FOR MULTINATIONAL CORPORATION OPEN SOCIETY - VR HOLDING) 5T.dervis STRITELENION BILDIN g2 THE FLOOR, СY - A 1066, NICOSIA, CYPRUS Serial number of sheet of the declaration : 0Total of sheets in the declaration : 0 Total of names of the goods : 1 Total of places :0 |
Goods Number under the declaration list :
Goods code on TNVED Russia : Impressive cost : Code place of registration of cargo : Place of registration of cargo : |
1 2710119000 340287 340287 0 10505080 t/p Njagansky |
Description of the Goods : GASOLINE GAS STABLE (EASY DISTILLATES), MARK BT, THAT 39.1340 - 89, FROM AMENDMENT 1,2, QUANTITY OF 340 287 KG. Name of manufacturer : Name of country of origin : Quantity of places of the goods : 0, Quantity of pallets : 0,Data on pallets :, Quantity of containers : 0, Quantity of the goods in an additional unit of measure :0, Quantity of the goods in an additional unit of measure 1 : 0, Name of an additional unit of measure 1 : T |
Code of the trading country : CY, General customs cost : 4842146,73 Code of Currency of Customs : 643, Cost The Appointment country : GERMANY, Code of the country of departure : DE, Country of origin : , Alphabetic code condition of delivery :FOB, Point of delivery of the goods : KALININGRAD, Exchange Rate : 266,402, Type of Transport on border : Sea vessel,, Code type of transport in the country : , Type of transport in the country : ,Post of the customs applicant : SPETS. Decision-making code under the declaration : 10. |
Preferentsii features of payment of payments : ,Customs procedure Code :
100000, Quota : 0, Sign of updating of customs cost :Customs cost of the goods (roubles) : 4842146, Statistical cost of the goods (currency) : 181761 . |
"TATNEFTEGAZPERERABOTKA" 423450RESPUBLIKA TATARSTANG. ALMETEVSKUL. LENIN, A 75 Code (INN) of the Russian owner of the Contract : 1644040195 Declaration number :10404020/110107/0000003 Customs code in which the declaration is represented : 10404020 Date of registration of the declaration Customs applicant : 11.01.2007Basic customs mode : EXPORT |
Code (INN) of the Russian company of the sender 1644003838 The address of the Russian owner of the contract : 423450RT ALMETEVSKUL. RIVER FAHRETDINA, Д.37 Code (INN) of the Russian owner of the contract : 1644040195 |
"EFREMOV - RUBBER GMVH" 65760 ESHBORNKOLNER SHTRASSE, 10B Serial number of sheet of the declaration : 0 Total of sheets in the declaration : 0 Total of names of the goods : 1Total of places :0 |
Goods Number under the
declaration list : Goods code on TNVED Russia : Code of country of origin of the goods : Gross weight (kg) : Net weight (kg) : Impressive cost : |
1 2710119000 4370900 4370900 0 10404020 t/p Almetyevsk |
Description of the Goods : GASOLINE GAS STABLE, THE MASS FRACTION ARE GREY 0.019 - 0.021 %, WITH PRESSURE OF SATED STEAMS 264.88 - 304 GPA, THAT 39 - 1340 - 89 FOR THE PETROCHEMICAL INDUSTRY, 4370900 KG DELIVERY FROM 15.09.06 FOR 30.09.06 Name of manufacturer :MANAGEMENT "TATNEFTEGAZPERERABOTKA" , Data on pallets :, Quantity of containers : 0, |
Code of the trading country : DE, General customs cost : 0, Code of Currency of Customs : , Cost The Appointment country : THE NETHERLANDS,,Code of the country of departure :, Country of origin : , Alphabetic code condition of delivery :CPT , Point of delivery of the goods : BALTIYSK,, Exchange Rate : 268,015, Type of Transport on border : Sea vessel,, Code type of transport in the country : , Type of transport in the country : , Post of the customs applicant : THE LEADING ENGINEER, Decision-making code under the declaration : 10. |
Preferentsii features of payment of payments : ,Customs procedure Code : 100000,
Quota : 0, Sign of updating of customs cost :,Customs cost of the goods (roubles) : 0, Statistical cost of the goods (currency) : 2145340 . |
"NIZHNEVARTOVSK OIL REFINING ASSOCIATION" 626170TJUMENSKAJA REGION, UVATSKY R - NS.UVATUL.OKTJABRSKAJA, Д.60 Code (INN) of the Russian owner of the Contract : 7225004092 Declaration number :10505090/170107/0000028 Customs code in which the declaration is represented : 10505090 Date of registration of the declaration Customs applicant : 17.01.2007Basic customs mode : EXPORT |
Code (INN) of the Russian company of the sender: 8603087285 The address of the Russian owner of the contract : 626170TJUMENSKAJA AREA, UVATSKY R - NS.UVATUL.OKTJABRSKAJA, Д.60 Code (INN) of the Russian owner of the contract : 7225004092 |
" THE MULTINATIONAL CORPORATION TRADE LIMITED (CH/Z FGUP "KALININGRAD. MORSK.RYBN.PORT" FOR MULTINATIONAL CORPORATION OPEN SOCIETY - VR HOLDING) NIKOSIJA5 T DERVIS STRIT, ELENION BILDING, A 2 Serial number of sheet of the declaration : 0 Total of sheets in the declaration : 0 Total of names of the goods : 1Total of places :0 |
Goods Number under the declaration list :
Goods code on TNVED Russia : Code of country of origin of the goods : Gross weight (kg) : Net weight (kg) : Impressive cost : |
1 2710119000 8854585 8854585 0 10505090 t/p Nizhnevartovsk |
Description of the Goods : GASOLINE GAS STABLE (EASY DISTILLATES), MARK BT, THAT 39.1340 - 89, FROM AMENDMENT 1,2, QUANTITY OF 8 854 585 KG DELIVERY FROM 09.11.06 TILL, Name of manufacturer : ,
Name of country of origin : , Quantity of places of the goods : 0,Quantity of pallets : 0, Data on pallets :, Quantity of containers : 0, Quantity of the goods in an additional unit of measure : 0,Quantity of the goods in an additional unit of measure 1 : 0, Name of an additional unit of measure 1 : , |
Code of the trading country : CY, General customs cost : 0, Code of Currency of Customs : , Cost The Appointment country : , Code of the country of departure : ,Country of origin : , Alphabetic code condition of delivery :FOB, Point of delivery of the goods : KALININGRAD,, Exchange Rate : 267,044,,Type of Transport on border : Sea vessel, Code type of transport in the country : , Type of transport in the country : , Post of the customs applicant : THE EXPERT IN THAT, Decision-making code under the declaration : 10. |
Preferentsii features of payment of payments : ,Customs procedure Code : 100000,
Quota : 0,Sign of updating of customs cost :,Customs cost of the goods (roubles) : 0, Statistical cost of the goods (currency) : 4442150, . |
"NGK" SLAVNEFT " 190000, SANKT - PETERBURGUL.GALERNAJA, Д.5, LETTERS AND Code (INN) of the Russian owner of the Contract : 7225004092 Declaration number :10117010/170107/0000176 Customs code in which the declaration is represented : 10117010 Date of registration of the declaration Customs applicant : 17.01.2007Basic customs mode : EXPORT |
Code (INN) of the Russian company of the sender: 7707017509 The address of the Russian owner of the contract : 626170TJUMENSKAJA AREA, UVATSKY R - NS.UVATUL.OKTJABRSKAJA, Д.60 Code (INN) of the Russian owner of the contract : 7225004092 |
"THE MULTINATIONAL CORPORATION TRADE LIMITED" ) KI - A 1066, NIKOZIJA, A 5 - I DERVIS STRIIT, ELENION BILDING, A 2 Serial number of sheet of the declaration : 0 Total of sheets in the declaration : 0 Total of names of the goods : 1Total of places :0 |
Goods Number under the declaration list :
Goods code on TNVED Russia : Code of country of origin of the goods : Gross weight (kg) : Net weight (kg) : Impressive cost : |
1 2710119000 11449200 11449200 0 10117010 t/p It is new - Yaroslavl |
Description of the Goods :
GASOLINE EXPORT TECHNOLOGICAL P - 2 (the MAINTENANCE of MINERAL OIL MORE 70МАС. %) THAT 38.001500 - 2001. Delivery from 06.10.06 till,, Name of manufacturer : , Name of country of origin : , Quantity of places of the goods : 0, Quantity of pallets : 0, Data on pallets : , Quantity of containers : 0,Quantity of the goods in an additional unit of measure :0, Quantity of the goods in an additional unit of measure 1 : 11449,, Name of an additional unit of measure 1 : T, |
Code of the trading country : CY, General customs cost : 0, Code of Currency of Customs : , Cost The Appointment country : THE NETHERLANDS, Code of the country of departure :, Country of origin : , Alphabetic code condition of delivery :FOB, Point of delivery of the goods : KALININGRAD,, Exchange Rate : 267,044,, Type of Transport on border : Sea vessel,,Code type of transport in the country : , Type of transport in the country : , Post of the customs applicant : SPTO, Decision-making code under the declaration : 10. |
Preferentsii features of payment of payments : ,Customs procedure Code : 100000, Quota : 0, Sign of updating of customs cost :,Customs cost of the goods (roubles) : 0, Statistical cost of the goods (currency) : 5644416, . |
"RUSTRANSLOGISTIKA" 119136 city of A MOSKVA3 - J SETUNSKY PR - D, Д.10, Code (INN) of the Russian owner of the Contract : 7729329533 Declaration number :10122112/190107/0000047 Customs code in which the declaration is represented : 10122112Date of registration of the declaration Customs applicant : 19.01.2007 Basic customs mode : EXPORT |
Code (INN) of the Russian company of the sender: 7730529520 The address of the Russian owner of the contract : 119136 city of A MOSKVA3 - J SETUNSKY PR - D, Д.10Code (INN) of the Russian owner of the contract : 7729329533 |
""promstrojkontrakt - KAZAKHSTAN" 010000KAZAHSTAN ASTANAUL.ZHUBANOVA, Д.83 AND Serial number of sheet of the declaration : 1, Total of sheets in the declaration : 2,Total of names of the goods : 3, Total of places :223, |
Goods Number under the declaration list :
Goods code on TNVED Russia : Code of country of origin of the goods : Gross weight (kg) : Impressive cost : Code place of registration of cargo : Place of registration of cargo : |
1 2710119000 21000 19000 0 10122112 |
Description of the Goods : THE ADDITIVE TO EMULGATORU FOR THE TIMBERING ON THE BASIS OF EASY OIL DISTILLATES PLYWOOD - OIL 2000 (V=227Л) (АРТ.600560) - 22700 L. WITH СОД.75 % nefteprod. IZG.JANVAR DOES NOT CONTAIN OZONORAZRUSHAJUSHCHIH IN 2007 - CENTURY OF THE COMMENT IN BUILDS. FOR SIMPLIFICATION OF REMOVAL OF THE TIMBERING. , Name of manufacturer : "EKOHIMMASH" , Name of country of origin : , Quantity of places of the goods : 100, Quantity of pallets : 0,Data on pallets :, Quantity of containers : 0, Quantity of the goods in an additional unit of measure :0, Quantity of the goods in an additional unit of measure 1 : 19,Name of an additional unit of measure 1 : T, |
Code of the trading country : KZ,
General customs cost : 0,Code of Currency of Customs : 643, Cost The Appointment country : KAZAKHSTAN, Code of the country of departure :, Country of origin : , Alphabetic code condition ofdelivery :DAF, Point of delivery of the goods : TOBOL,, Exchange Rate : 343,991, Type of Transport on border : The railway,Code type of transport in the country : , Type of transport in the country : , Post of the customs applicant : THE MANAGER, Decision-making code under the declaration : 10. |
Preferentsii features of payment of payments : ,Customs procedure Code : 100000, Quota : 0, Sign of updating of customs cost :,Customs cost of the goods (roubles) : 0, Statistical cost of the goods (currency) : 30311,, |
"TATNEFT - THE GAS STATION THE CENTER" 423450RT ALMETEVSKUL. RIVER FAHRETDINA, Д.37 Code (INN) of the Russian owner of the Contract : 1644040195 Declaration number:10205080/290107/0000245 Customs code in which the declaration is represented : 10205080Date of registration of the declaration Customs applicant :29.01.2007 Basic customs mode : EXPORT |
Code (INN) of the Russian company of the sender: 1644040195 The address of the Russian owner of the contract : 423450RT ALMETEVSKUL. RIVER FAHRETDINA, Д.37 Code (INN) of the Russian owner of the contract : 1644040195 |
"EFREMOV - RUBBER GMBH" 65760 ESHBORNKELNER SHTRASSE A 10B Serial number of sheet of the declaration : 0, Total of sheets in the declaration : 0, Total of names of the goods : 1,Total of places :0, |
Goods Number under the declaration list :
Goods code on TNVED Russia : Code of country of origin of the goods : Gross weight (kg) : Net weight (kg) : Impressive cost : |
1 2710119000 3300000 3300000 0 10205080 t/p Svetlovsky |
Description of the Goods : GASOLINE GAS STABLE, THAT 0272 - 069 - 00151638 - 2006, FOR THE PETROCHEMICAL INDUSTRY QUANTITY - 3 300 000 KG. DELIVERY FROM 17.01.2007 TILL,, Name of manufacturer : "MANAGEMENT "TATNEFTEGAZPERERABOTKA" OPEN SOCIETY "TATNEFT" , Name of country of origin : , Quantity of places of the goods : 0, Quantity of pallets : 0,Data on pallets :, Quantity of containers : 0, Quantity of the goods in an additional unit of measure :0, Quantity of the goods in an additional unit of measure 1 : 0, Name of an additional unit of measure 1 : , |
Code of the trading country : DE, General customs cost : 40917043,6, Code of Currency of Customs : 643, Cost The Appointment country : THE NETHERLANDS, Code of the country of departure :, Country of origin : , Alphabetic code condition of delivery :CPT, , Point of delivery of the goods : THE BALTIC WOOD,Exchange Rate : 263,528, Type of Transport on border : Sea vessel, Code type of transport in the country : , Type of transport in the country : ,Post of the customs applicant : THE HEAD OF SERVICE ATOIEG, Decision-making code under the declaration : 10. |
Preferentsii features of payment of payments : ,Customs procedure Code : 100000, Quota : 0,Sign of updating of customs cost :,Customs cost of the goods (roubles) : 40917044, Statistical cost of the goods (currency) : 1602164 , |
"GAZPROM EXPORT" 119180 Moscow golutvinsky A 3 - J THE LANE, Д.10, THE BUILDING A 1. Code (INN) of the Russian owner of the Contract 17706193766 Declaration number:10207050/240107/0000149 Customs code in which the declaration is represented : 10207050 Date of registration of the declaration Customs applicant :24.01.2007 Basic customs mode : EXPORT |
Code (INN) of the Russian company of the sender: 7706193766 The address of the Russian owner of the contract : 4119180 Moscow golutvinsky A 3 - J THE LANE, Д.10, THE BUILDING A 1. Code (INN) of the Russian owner of the contract :7706193766 |
" "GUNVOR INTERNESHIONAL LTD. TORTOLA, GENEVA BRANCH" THE COUNTERPART " 631204SHVEJTSARIJAZHENEVA, RJUDJURON, 2ND FLORAE Serial number of sheet of the declaration : 0, Total of sheets in the declaration : 0, Total of names of the goods : 1, Total of places :0, |
Goods Number under the declaration list :
Goods code on TNVED Russia : Code of country of origin of the goods : Gross weight (kg) : Net weight (kg) : Impressive cost : Code place of registration of cargo : Place of registration of cargo : |
1 2710119000 6003774 6003774 0 10207050 t/p Murmansk |
Description of the Goods : DISTILLATE OF THE GAS CONDENSATE EASY THAT 51 - 31323949 - 58 - 2000 - 6003.774 TONS IN BULK DELIVERY: WITHIN JANUARY 2007 THE MANUFACTURER: OPEN COMPANY "SURGUTGAZPROM" , Name of manufacturer : " ,
Name of country of origin : , Quantity of places of the goods : 0,Quantity of pallets : 0, Data on pallets :, Quantity of containers : 0, Quantity of the goods in an additional unit of measure : 0,Quantity of the goods in an additional unit of measure 1 : 0, Name of an additional unit of measure 1 : , |
Code of the trading country : CH,
General customs cost : 0, Code of Currency of Customs : 0, Cost The Appointment country : THE NETHERLANDS, Code of the country of departure : ,Country of origin : , Alphabetic code condition of delivery :FCA, , Point of delivery of the goods : THE ITEM SURGUT,, Exchange Rate : 263,789, Type of Transport on border : Sea vessel,Code type of transport in the country : , Type of transport in the country : , Post of the customs applicant :THE DEPUTY THE DIRECTOR ON THAT, Decision-making code under the declaration : 10. |
Preferentsii features of payment of payments : ,Customs procedure Code : 100000, Quota : 0, Sign of updating of customs cost :,Customs cost of the goods (roubles) : 0, Statistical cost of the goods (currency) : 2521585, |
"1IZHNEVARTOVSK OIL REFINING ASSOCIATION" 626170TJUMENSKAJA REGION, UVATSKY R - NS.UVATUL.OKTJABRSKAJA, Д.60 Code (INN) of the Russian owner of the Contract Declaration number:10505090/200207/0000115 Customs code in which the declaration is represented : 10505090Date of registration of the declaration Customs applicant :20.02.2007 Basic customs mode : EXPORT |
Code (INN) of the Russian company of the sender: 8603087285 The address of the Russian owner of the contract : 626170TJUMENSKAJA AREA, UVATSKY R - NS.UVATUL.OKTJABRSKAJA, Д.60 Code (INN) of the Russian owner of the contract : 7225004092 |
THE MULTINATIONAL CORPORATION TRADE LIMITED (CH/Z JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "BALTIC PETROTRANSSHIPMENT COMPANY") NICOSIA, 5T DERVIS STRIT, ELENION BILDING, C Serial number of sheet of the declaration : 0, Total of sheets in the declaration : 0,Total of names of the goods : 1, Total of places :0, |
Goods Number under the declaration list :
Goods code on TNVED Russia : Code of country of origin of the goods : Gross weight (kg) : Impressive cost : Code place of registration of cargo : Place of registration of cargo : |
1 2710119000 26597972 26597972 0 10505090 t/p Nizhnevartovsk |
Description of the Goods : GASOLINE GAS STABLE (EASY DISTILLATES), MARK BT, THAT 39.1340 - 89, FROM AMENDMENT 1,2, QUANTITY OF 26 597 972 KG DELIVERY FROM 14.12.06 TILL, Name of manufacturer : " , Name of country of origin : , Quantity of places of the goods : 0, Quantity of pallets : 0, Data on pallets :, Quantity of containers : 0, Quantity of the goods in an additional unit of measure :0, Quantity of the goods in an additional unit of measure 1 : 0, Name of an additional unit ofmeasure 1 : , |
Code of the trading country : CY,
General customs cost : 0,Code of Currency of Customs : 0, Cost The Appointment country : , Code of the country of departure : ,Country of origin : , Alphabetic code condition of delivery :CPT, , Point of delivery of the goods : BALTIYSK, Exchange Rate : 262,332, Type of Transport on border : Sea vessel, Code type of transport in the country : , Type of transport in the country : , Post of the customs applicant : THE EXPERT IN THAT, Decision-making code under the declaration : 10. |
Preferentsii features of payment of payments : ,Customs procedure Code : 100000, Quota : 0, Sign of updating of customs cost :, Customs cost of the goods (roubles) : 0,Statistical cost of the goods (currency) : 13971383 , |
Contact Information |
Delhi Office |
Mr. Prashant kumar |